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We are a collective of women—mothers, entrepreneurs, and homemakers—originating from Morro da Providência.

Our purpose is rooted in professional training, empowerment, and inclusion in areas such as well-being, self-care, beauty, crafts, and culinary arts. The Mulheres Independentes da Providência (MIP) collective is dedicated to the women of our community, aiming for social and economic transformation. MIP was born out of an affectionate relationship with the mothers of children attending Casa Amarela, and soon began its own women’s empowerment projects, such as Dona de Mim and Saia Empoderada.

Today, MIP empowers women through programs focused on literacy, professional development, mentorship, self-care, and entrepreneurship.



Initially composed of 12 women aged between 18 and 60, the collective won the L'Oréal "Fund for Women" grant in 2021 and launched a professional training program benefiting 120 women in areas such as macramé, ethical fashion, massage therapy, biocosmetology and aromatherapy, culinary arts, and sewing and pattern making.

The grant resources funded six types of training courses, enabling the creation of products and/or the provision of services.

Throughout the duration of the courses, from their start in August 2021 until April 2022, the results have been positive. The goal is to ensure the project’s sustainability and, in 2023, to secure renewed funding for a new cycle of training.

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Closure of the First Cycle in April 2022

63 women graduated

22 women started their own businesses

11 women enrolled in the literacy course

22 women receiving psychological support